Good Girls Get the Edge!

Tired of being invisible while others play manipulative games? Your values are your strength. This course is designed to help you confidently showcase your best self and attract successful men who truly appreciates your worth – a fulfilling connection those 'gold diggers' can only dream of.
pretty woman in white dress sitting down

Is This You?

Have you experienced this?

  • Feeling Overlooked: Do you often feel overlooked or invisible in the dating world because you don't conform to certain societal expectations or trends?

  • Being Labeled as 'Boring': Have you been unfairly labeled as 'boring' or 'too serious' because you seek meaningful connections over superficial ones?

  • Pressure to Change: Do you feel societal pressure to change your approach or behavior to align with modern dating trends?

  • Difficulty Balancing Personal Values with Modern Dating Scene: Do you find it difficult to navigate the modern dating scene while maintaining your traditional values?

  • Are you unknowingly sabotaging your relationships with successful men?

Introducing "The Good Girl Method"©

Tired of shallow dating strategies? Uncover the secrets that will leave manipulative women in the dust. Attract high-quality men with genuine connection and leave the 'gold diggers' wondering what hit them.

You Can Enjoy Dating as a Good Girl

Your Transformation Begins Here

  • You will transform into a charming socialite who flirts with men while staying refined and charismatic. You'll radiate an irresistible blend of sophistication and flirtatiousness, drawing in men of substance who value both depth and allure.

  • Say goodbye to feeling overshadowed by other women. With our fail-proof method, you'll become a pro at commanding any room and captivating the interest of any man, anywhere, even if you are an introvert.

  • Discover how to talk to men in a way that draws them closer, while also learning what not to say to avoid pushing them away and staying single.

The Good Girl Method© is right for you if:

  • You're a driven and ambitious woman, and you want results. You don't have time for endless freebies, videos, books and podcasts.

  • You are tired of that nagging anxiety, and ready to effortlessly attract successful men who are on your level.

  • Yes, you're capable, but time, money, and frustration are slipping away. You know that investing in yourself is the fastest, most effective path to finally attracting the right man.

  • You wonder what makes some women irresistible to marriage-minded men, even if they seem less exciting than others and even when you think all the good ones are taken.

  • The popular advice and patterns that you've been doing are no longer getting you want you want. Men are seeing past you and not committing to you for anything serious.

  • You want to transform into a woman that men consider a Good Girl for marriage.

The Good Girl Method© is NOT for you if:

  • You aren't coachable, open or positive.

  • You're not willing to take action to improve yourself and grow.

  • You are nosey and negative.

  • You want quick fixes and gimmicks rather than doing the personal work.

  • You have a problem with men or you are a feminist.

What We'll Be Doing Together to Transform You into a Polished & Marriageable Woman

  • Convenience

    Your studies fit your schedule, not the other way around. Take your learning on the go – PC or smartphone.

  • Elite Member Discounts

    Enrolling in a course grants you access to the Feminine Elite Society, where members enjoy exclusive discounts and a curated selection of products.

  • Complimentary Access to Elite App

    For 90 Days, you can discover a wealth of enriching content on our exclusive app, tailored for those who value quality and personal growth.

With the Feminine Elite Society App

In Your Small Clutch, You'll Be Able To:

  • Enjoy a deep sense of calm, knowing you have the skills to handle any social predicament.

  • Add sophistication to your daily life, whatever your current or past circumstances.

  • Elevate your style: Master wardrobe essentials, and create beautiful makeup and hair looks that turn heads.

Tired of the Same Old Tips? They're Not Getting Results

The same recycled tips fill dating blogs, social media and self-help books. Yet, somehow, you still don't have the lasting love you crave. It's time to find out why these popular dating coach advice fails and embrace the Good Girl Method© secrets that will actually get you the results you want.

Get a loan. Then pay for your course!

We stand by our programs.

Your satisfaction is our top priority. We take pride in the quality of every product and service we offer and stand behind it with a 14 day 100% money-back guarantee, so no risk to you.

Meet Your Mentor

Mrs. Nicole Michelle

Founder, The Inner Beauty Movement™

My name is Nicole Michelle.

I'm an educated traditional Christian housewife, who was raised by my mother and father in a loving home. I am the proud mother of three adult children. I'm the author of three books, host a podcast on iHeart, Apple, Google, etc, and host an On Demand TV channel.

At one point in my life, I was a career woman, yet unfulfilled, but unsure why. I was confused from all of the messages society was telling me about womanhood that was opposite from how I was raised. I felt emotionally exhausted and frustrated, until one day I finally took it upon myself to embark on a journey to rediscover my feminine power, and transform myself back into a confident woman in the process.

My womanly fulfillment finally came once I knew my worth in the influential roles as a feminine wife, mother, and friend.

This rebirth led me to realize how much I had to offer other women who may be experiencing the same things I had.

All throughout my childhood I learned the Feminine Arts, Etiquette, entertaining and managing a home from three wise married women in my family; my great-grandmother Thelma, grandmother Freddye Jo, and my mother Mable. Their old school wisdom saved me from many pitfalls.

I also learned many priceless lessons from my father, who gave me sound fatherly advice all throughout my childhood in our many father/daughter talks over dinner and midnight snacks. I gladly look forward to sharing those lessons with you.

Over the years, I've have helped hundreds of women find their feminine power and many to find love and get married. Your rebirth begins here. Let’s walk this path together.

"We are in the business of helping women who are Winners win more."

Until we meet.

Lady, I see you...

You crave being pursued, provided for, and protected by the masculine. As much as you can boss babe or boss diva your way through the day, you long to be a cherished traditional wife or coming home and relaxing into your man's arms instead of nights binging Netflix alone.


  • What if I don't have much time? Can I still complete this course?

    Absolutely! This course is designed with flexibility in mind. Lessons are broken down into manageable chunks, and you can progress at your own pace. Whether you have a few hours a week or short bursts of time throughout the day, you can make meaningful progress.

  • Is this course suitable for beginners?

    Yes! The Good Girls Method is designed to [explain if it starts with the basics or if some prior knowledge is helpful]. Whether you're completely new to [topic] or have a bit of experience, you'll find valuable insights and actionable strategies to take your skills to the next level.

  • What kind of support is offered during the course?

    We want you to succeed! You can email support M-F 8am-5pm est. ([email protected])

  • What results can I expect from this course?

    While results vary depending on individual effort, students who complete this course can expect to gain knowledge on socializing confidently with successful men. Many students have reported an increase in awareness and confidence.

  • Is there a refund policy?

    Yes. We're confident in the value of this course. If you're not satisfied within first 14 days, you can request a full refund.

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